Q & A's
What does Teufelhunden Mean?
Teufelhunden is a loose translation from German that means Devil Dogs. Legend has it that the Marines were called Devil Dogs as a result of their badassery in WWI at the Battle of Belleau Wood. The Marines gave the Krauts a historic beat-down and those of them that survived the wrath of the World's Finest Fighting Force compared those Marines to "wild mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore?" as a term of respect. Even though some historians (probably jealous Armymen) say it's a myth, we Marines know a story this epic HAS to be true.
How Can I Visit?
This is a private residence and not open to the public. Matter of fact, it was built without my wife even knowing my plans for this testosterone-fueled "Safe-Space." It wasn't until I tried getting the 1,000+ pound handmade mahogany canopy bar up the stairs, that she finally discovered my plans. I believe her exact words were "What the F#$% is going on up there...?" It is the ultimate "man-cave" and from time to time access will be granted to fellow Jarheads visiting Hilton Head Island, Parris Island, and the South Carolina Low Country. It all depends on when she goes to bed and if I can sneak you up the stairs without her busting us.
Do You Accept Donations?
We don't accept monetary donations but I'll never say no to a nice bottle of bourbon or wine to add to the collection. Since the wife has access to my eBay account, she basically told me "if you buy one more piece of old war sh#$%, I'm going to cut up your credit cards!" However, I'm always open to displaying any of your WWI US Marine memorabilia. I promise to honor and respect any donated heirlooms and have a regular bourbon toast to old Jarhead who killed Krauts when they originally had it.
How Can I Get a VIP Access Card
Legend has it that on the night of November 10th, you can find a very good-looking and bald Marine stumbling around Hilton Head and talking loudly about how Chesty should be president or that the Mad Dog's Knife Hand can slice open a bowling ball. If you offer him a Crayon and a bottle of bourbon, there is a good chance that you will receive this rare and prized VIP card giving you access to the Teufelhunden Tavern.